Weight Loss for Menopause

Some women go through menopause with few or no noticeable symptoms, but most women experience a whole host of symptoms in menopause, which can be very hard to live with, such as those listed below.
- Hot flushes
- Night sweats
- Mood swings, Anxiety and Depression
- Poor libido, Bladder problems, Vaginal dryness and pain during sexual intercourse
- Poor memory and Insomnia
Weight gain isn’t particularly the most publicised symptom associated with the menopause but it is very common and frustrating for many.
Do you eat what you would consider to be a healthy diet?
Have you tried cutting out carbs, fat, counting calories etc. but nothing seems to work anymore?
Are you either looking for a more natural way to manage your symptoms or something to work alongside your current medication?
Then Metabolic Balance could be just what you are looking for. Not only have clients experienced weight loss on the programme but also saw an improvement in many of the other symptoms listed above.
The aim of the Metabolic Balance diet programme is to help balance your hormones and by doing so help you lose weight and keep it off. The diet is entirely natural and uses foods that are available in supermarkets and local shops. Metabolic Balance became famous in 2013 when Boy George attributed his dramatic weight loss to the diet. In the last 10 years, nutritionists at the Nutritional Therapy Clinic have worked with 1000’s clients, all over the world, many with menopausal symptoms, and have helped them to lose weight, and as an bonus clients’ have seen major improvements in their health too as hormonal imbalances can often leave you feeling tired, anxious and generally unwell.
Metabolic Balance is not just about weight loss, but about making you feel better too as it also offers many other health benefits:
- Increased energy levels
- Regulation of hormones
- Improvement in skin condition
- Elevated mood and the lifting of depression
- Better sleep
Emma Vanlint, nutritionist at The Nutritional Therapy Clinic is a fully licensed Metabolic Balance® coach, and will support you throughout your programme with encouragement and advice to help you to achieve your weight loss and health goals. Emma received her training as an approved coach from the founder of the Metabolic Balance® programme, Dr. Wolf Funfack. Thousands of people have transformed the way they fell, become healthier and achieved their ideal weight with the Metabolic Balance® programme. You could do the same!
All menopausal symptoms can simply be due to fluctuating hormone levels, the good news is that harmony and balance is achievable during the menopause with the right diet and nutrition. The menopause is a natural phase of life; therefore, by treating it naturally, it can be embraced and not feared. In fact in other parts of the world, due to differences in diet, women very rarely suffer any menopausal symptoms at all.
The Nutritional Therapy Clinic can advise you on the best nutrition to ease you through the menopause and has expert nutritionists based in Harley Street, London and near Colchester in Essex.
What Our Clients Say About Us
Weight Control at 50
Despite being active and fit, doing various challenges for charity requiring
stamina and determination, I have been gradually getting larger as I
approached the dreaded 50.
Not large enough to be obese, or even to be considered very large, but certainly enough to
feel uncomfortable and to lose my waist which had always been my saving grace.
I promised myself that I would find a way during my 50 th year to eat properly and return to a
comfortable size before I lost complete control. To say that the MB method of eating was
perfect for me is a serious understatement and with Emma’s direction it took me just over 3
months (including the Christmas/New Year period) to lose considerably more than I thought I
ever could (3.5 stone & 3 dress sizes to be precise). What’s even better is that it has all gone
from the problem places – hips, waist and thighs – so that I am now the same size I was
when I was 20! Even better, when losing weight at 50 you tend to get gaunt around your
face but this has not happened at all!
I have never been hungry, having managed to rid myself of my sugar cravings almost
immediately I started the MB diet and yet now that I am in Maintenance, I find I can eat a
little of anything I used to eat without craving more. Emma’s guidance on how to mix and
match food allowances and her very timely and patient responses to endless questions from
me have made the whole process very straightforward. The only problem is I need a new
wardrobe!! Or can that really be called a ‘problem’?
MichelleWeight Loss for Menopause
My story to better health and bonus of weight loss....After Christmas and
New Year blues plus the thought of that fabulous holiday I was going on at
the beginning of April, and my son’s wedding this October.
On dark and dismal day in January .... I remembered the words Metabolic Blocking had been
mentioned to me five months prior, plus the question was ‘have you ever seen a
Nutritionist?’ I had been seeing one of the top Endocrinology Professors in Harley Street, yes,
he wanted me to try Thyroxin (I researched and resisted) despite my Thyroid level being
borderline, and he also added it will be incredibly difficult for you to look weight! I strongly
believed I was eating a healthy diet, working my butt off at the gym with Spinning Classes,
power walking and yoga. Every day I was doing some form of exercise.
I put the words Metabolic Blocking Nutritionist in a search engine – I found Emma. Read
through the information, sent Emma e-mails asking questions but it still took me until the
end of January to decided – Yes, I want to do this, but not just weight loss for the health
benefits which the program has brought.
I found the plan easy to follow as I moved through the phases – This is real food not faddy
stuff, pills, and potions!!! The plan is easy to adapt when socialising.
The result has been unbelievably fantastic – my first week I lost an amazing 9.5lbs! At the
end of the first month, I had lost 18.5lbs, the weight continued to reduce each week. I hit my
first personal target of 2 stone in just 9 weeks this was prior to a month-long holiday of
which 12 days was a cruise. I came back with a gain as expected, this was just 5 lbs. I have
now reached a loss of 40lbs with just 7lbs to go and loving the comments and words of
praise. Emma was on hand to provide answers to my questions and support throughout this
incredible health and weight loss journey. So very much wish I’d have found Emma years
ago before I had wasted so much cash on other clubs and programs.
JanisWeight Loss for Menopause
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