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About Us

What is Nutritional Therapy and can it help you?

Nutritional therapy combines science (biochemistry and nutrition) with naturopathy (natural drug-free medicine), in order to promote good health. Nutritional Therapy is holistic and it’s designed to treat the body as a whole – supporting the underlying causes of ill health rather than just treating the symptoms. Nutritional Therapy does not have a “one size fits all” approach, because our individual needs are as varied as our backgrounds. Factors that influence your health and nutritional requirement include age, physical health, lifestyle, genes and most importantly, the environment around you.

The expert Nutritionists at The Nutritional Therapy Clinic aim to help you achieve your full potential by designing a nutritional programme that is specifically tailored to your needs. This will cover nutrition, lifestyle and exercise, where appropriate. The meal suggestions are easy to follow using everyday foods you can source in your local supermarket. We will also give advice on the best choices when eating out, or grabbing food on the run and advice on recipes, making it as easy as possible for you to put the the dietary requirement most suited to you into practice.

There is a diverse range of health issues that may be improved with the support of a nutritionist. These can include digestive problems like IBS and Candida, weight loss for those who have experienced weight gain with hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome or menopause also infertility and pregnancy issues, food allergies and intolerances such as coeliac disease and lactose intolerance or even low energy, depression, and arthritis. Go to the condition’s list at the side of this page for more details and a comprehensive list of the conditions that nutritional therapy can help with.

Food is a very powerful healer and the body has an amazing ability to repair itself when given the right nutritional tools. The right diet and nutrition can make a huge difference to your health and well-being.

See our Client Testimonials page for our client’s experiences of working with Nutritionists at the Nutritional Therapy Clinic.  We have clinics near Harley Street, London and online.

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Are you struggling with energy levels, digestive issues, weight management, or overall well-being? Our expert nutritional therapists are dedicated to understanding your unique needs and crafting a tailored plan to help you achieve your health goals.

Meet The Team

Emma Vanlint

Founder of The Nutritional Therapy Clinic

Emma has a passion for good food and believes strongly that you shouldn’t have to compromise on taste in order to eat a healthy nutritious diet. However, it is her own personal experiences that drove her to take up a career as a nutritionist. For Emma, discovering the benefits of nutritional therapy was a bit like an awakening. It was this experience that has made her so passionate about nutrition and it’s this passion that she wants to share with all the clients that come to the Nutritional Therapy Clinic. She says  “it’s not until you feel well and your quality of life improves, that you realise how bad things were before”! As a consequence of following optimum nutrition Emma no longer suffers with IBS, migraines, headaches or frequent colds and infections and also improved her fertility, which was an issue, she now has a beautiful little girl.

Emma’s specialist areas are weight loss and weight maintenance with the help of the metabolic balance diet, digestive problems such as IBS and food allergies and intolerances such as coeliac disease,fertility issues, including IVF support and fertility nutrition, female hormone health including polycystic ovarian syndrome, hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid) and menopause also mental health problems including depression and anxiety and chronic fatigue syndrome. Emma trained at the renowned Institute for Optimum Nutrition (ION), founded by nutritionist and health expert Patrick Holford. The institute is widely considered to be the UK’s leading centre for nutritional studies. She has helped hundreds of clients to lose weight, maintain their weight and improve their health and well being. Prior to becoming a nutritionist, Emma spent 20 years working in the City, so she is well aware of the difficulties involved in juggling a demanding job and trying to eat a healthy diet. She is committed to increasing her knowledge of nutrition and keeping up to date with new developments in diet and health and regularly attends lectures and workshops in her capacity as a nutritionist.

Emma is a Member of BANT (the British Association of Nutritional Therapists), and adheres to their code of professional practice at all times. She is also a  registered nutritionist with the CNHC (Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council). The CNHC was set up with support of the government to protect the public by providing a UK voluntary register of complementary nutritional therapists. The CNHC’s register has been approved as an accredited voluntary register by The Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care. Emma is also listed on the NHS Directory of complementary and alternative practitioners. She is based near Harley Street, London but also offers virtual appointments for those outside of London or who prefer not to travel.

Laura de la Harpe

Nutritional Therapist, Broadcaster, Health Writer

Laura believes that through knowing how foods affect your energy, mood and general well-being you can start to make sustainable and achievable changes to your lifestyle and consequently your health.    Food is to be enjoyed after all. You should be the master of it and not at the mercy of it.

Laura first became involved in nutrition when her own children developed food allergies, such as asthma and eczema and she quickly realised how powerful food changes could be. Her own health had suffered over the years and she assumed that was the ‘norm’.   As a result of laboratory testing and following the metabolic balance programme she now feels the best she has in years: her hormones are balanced, her IBS symptoms have disappeared and energy is off the scale. Laura has a ‘never give up’ attitude to supporting her clients and uses functional medicine principles to get to the root causes of their health issues.

Her specialist areas are weight loss, digestive problems and IBS, food allergies and intolerances, female hormone health (polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS, pre-menstrual tension, menopause and hypothyroidism), and adrenal stress including fatigue.

Laura also trained at the renowned Institute for Optimum Nutrition (ION). She has a thriving clinic in Reading as well as London and also shares her knowledge of nutrition as a radio broadcaster. She regularly appears on BBC Radio 5 Live as a midnight expert answering live questions on all things relating to nutrition.

She develops and hones her nutritionist skills through continuous professional development and is passionate about the functional medicine approach to nutrition.

Laura is a Member of BANT (the British Association of Nutritional Therapists), adhering to their codes of professional practice at all times. She is also registered with the CNHC (Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council) and listed on the NHS directory of complementary and alternative practitioners.

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