Candida Nutritionist
Are you having problems with Candidiasis? As Candida Nutritionists, we can help you. Candidiasis is the excess growth of the yeast Candida Albicans. Normally this yeast or fungus lives in healthy balance with other bacteria and yeasts in the body, however, certain conditions can cause it to multiply, damaging the gut lining and weakening the immune system.
Candida can then release a number of powerful toxins into the surrounding tissues and ultimately the bloodstream, and it may be that many of the symptoms are due to the action of such toxins rather than the Candida itself.
Common symptoms associated with Candidiasis:
- Diarrhoea/constipation
- Recurrent thrush, vaginitis and cystitis
- Rectal itching
- Headaches
- Depression, mood swings and anxiety
- Bloating/gas and indigestion
- Slow metabolism
- Menstrual cramps and irregularities
- Lethargy and ‘foggy head’ , poor memory
- Fatigue
- Acne
- Food intolerance and food allergies
- Underactive thyroid
- Blood sugar imbalance (Hypoglycaemia)
- Hyperactivity
- Fungal infection such as athletes foot
- Muscle/joint aches and pains
- Bad breath, coated tongue, ulcers and sore mouth
- Cravings for sweet foods and yeast such as bread and alcohol
- Sensitivity to perfumes, chemicals, fumes and other strong smells
- Frequent colds and infections
- Acne
If some of these symptoms sound familiar to you then it is likely that you are suffering from Candidiasis!
Causes of Candida
The single most common cause of Candidiasis is a history of antibiotic use. This is because not only do antibiotics kill off any bad bacteria, they also kill off healthy bacteria in the body, which is vital for maintaining good health and proper gut function.
Once the antibiotics have wiped out your good gut bacteria it possible for an overgrowth of pathogens such as Candida to develop and these are resistant to the antibiotics.
Other contributory factors include:
- Steroid use (such as treatment for asthma or arthritis)
- Contraceptive pill and HRT
- Low adrenal function
- Diet high in refined sugars
- Poor nutrition and nutrient deficiencies
- Surgery
- Poor immune function
- Chronic fatigue
- Diabetes
- Heavy metal toxicity such as lead/ (petrol and lead plumbing) mercury (fillings)
- Stress
- ME
How can nutrition help?
Quite often analysing the symptoms alone is enough to produce a nutrition programme, however, in some circumstances it is necessary to run a very simple test to confirm the presence of Candida. We can then begin with a specific nutrition and supplement programme, which will attack the Candida in a couple of ways, firstly by removing its food supply, which weakens the Candida, followed by specific anti-fungals that are known to kill off the yeast. Our final part of the programme is to repopulate the good bacteria in the gut, helping to prevent a recurrent infection or overgrowth in the future.